The Queens Jubilee Celebrations 2015

Our Jubilee Celebrations

Clive Heginbotham chaired the 18 strong Committee and the Village Hall Management Committee promoted a special draw with big money prizes to help fund the celebrations. A decision was taken in November to hire a tent which was a bit scary because tents cost so much. How right that brave decision turned out to be, without it the dance and the Picnic and games would have been a washout.
The first event, a sell out, was a hugely successful dance on the Saturday night which was enjoyed by everyone who was there. A supper of coronation chicken and dancing to the fabulous rock band Sticks.

On the Sunday the big picnic lunch which was followed by brilliantly organised, children’s games for all ages. Great to see one very young egg and spoon racer who realised he could peel his egg, ate half of it, threw it down and rushed off to join another game, returning a while later to search for his discarded egg in the grass then to have another munch at it! Lots of different team games, apple bobbing, balloons, fantastic hats, prizes and so much fun and then the tug of war from one end of the tent to the other. They pulled and pulled with parents and grandparents joining in until everyone ended on a high with the draw for the raffle, and then the results of the decorated gates which was kindly judged by Rosie and Peter Addington and Edmund. Peter said they were very impressed with the efforts so many people had taken. Compton Bassett was a blaze of red, white and blue and the standard was very high. Ethel Goodenough opened the envelope and announced the winners. 1st Austin Farm, 2nd 1 Briar Leaze (Ethel’s face was a study), 3rd No. 41A,
Special to Nos 14 and 15. Two other displays earned judges commendations. The Old Dairy House and Breach Farm House.
It was especially nice for those with sharp eyes to spot Edmund as a guest seated near the queen at the Diamond Jubilee Lunch at Westminter Hall which was hosted by the Livery. Guests included people from around the country whose trade, craft or profession is represented by one of the Liveries taking part in the event, together with the charities, schools and other organisations they support.

The Jubilee Beacon There has always been something iconic about Starve Knoll on Compton Hill and village families from generation to generation have had a very special feeling for those steep grassy slopes, never ploughed and clothed in ancient vegetation full of rare and interesting plants. Criss crossed by deep sunk track ways and scared by old field systems, lynchettes from pre roman times, excavated by old chalk quarries, The Hill has been part of Compton life for centuries or, indeed, for millennia. And so it was entirely fitting that this place provided the site for our Jubilee Beacon. Registered as one of the official beacons it was lit at it’s appointed time of 10.15pm on Monday 4th June. It was a beautiful evening. The sun went down to the West, behind Roach Wood, and almost immediately a beautiful golden full moon rose up in the East. A saxophone played in the distance and crowds of local people, by far the biggest turnout for any of our Jubilee events, gathered round the fire and felt a very special atmosphere of closeness with the generations gone by. And the horizon was dotted with the red glow of numerous other beacons and we celebrated the Golden Years of our dear Queen with a real and lasting gratitude.