Our church cannot be preserved or maintained as a resource for our village without the involvement and support of the wider community
In recent years, the Parochial Church Council (PCC) has kept the church building accessible and met the demands of Health & Safety and Equality legislation. The costs of improved central heating, lighting, kitchen facilities, a disabled toilet, path handrail and a resurfaced path have proved an ever increasing financial burden.
Historically, St Swithin's has received legacies restricted solely to capital maintenance and repair. These funds have been utilised over the years and have not been replenished.
Around £250 per week, this includes: heat and light (the church is heated on a timer during the colder months to protect the fabric of the building from damp); insurance, routine maintenance and payments for clergy salaries and administration.
Our church, in common with all other parish churches and cathedrals received no funding from the Church of England.
We know St Swithin's as a beautiful and histor1c building, is cherished by our community. At times of celebration and bereavement we turn to our church as a fitting place to bless new lives and loving unions and to mark the passing of family members and friends. We also know from the tremendous efforts of all who clean St Swithins. arrange flowers and regularly contribute to, and support fundraising events, there is a willngness lo help and a deep affection for St Swithin's.
How can you help to save St Swithin's?
Please support any fundralsing events being organised on behalf of St Swithin's. The money raised really does go towards the cost of running our church and its maintenance. A donation is sometimes made to local charities from the proceeds of larger events, but is always publicised.
We are totally dependent on donations to ensure St Swithin's continuing financial viability. Alt donations to St Swithin's, whether from servioe collections or separate donations, can be enhanced when Gift Aided. If you would like to make a donation, or set up a regular standmg order, please complete the downloaded form and return to the PCC Treasurer.